Latest Java(spring hibernate,web services,SQL etc) interview Questions:
- Explain about Optimistic and pessimistic lock in hibernate
- Get & load difference in hibernate
- Transaction management in hibernate
- Spring 3 vs Spring 4
- Scopes in spring
- In mutilthread environment, which scope you will use
- Spring integration
- Checked and unchecked exception
- Collection types
- Java5 features
- Generics and auto boxing
- Difference between set and map
- How hashmap will work
- Comparator how it works
- Unit testing how will you do in your project
- How will you give security for web services
- Car parking algorithm
- Hash collision
- Arraylist with concurreny modification exception
- Substring and intern method memory leakages
- Spring scopes
- Variable with instance and variable without instance which one you will use Singleton and prototype scopes
- Any other implemantions for DI / IOC
- Do i need to close result set in jdbc
- If two class loaders wants to use one singletion objects how many instances will use ( one or two )
- Singleton design pattern
- Can we create Singleton in static nested class
- Immutable classes how can write
- Which one you will prefer mutable or immutable object as key in hashmap
- Can we write own dialect in hibernate
- When we will go for immutable class
- For password which one you will use string or char ? Why ?
- Oops principles like solid principle**
- how many minimum tables required for many-to-many mapping in hibernate
- Different way to implement synchronization
- out of memory issue
- Spring annotation: @ transactional
- memory handle in java ( stack & heap)
- What is the alternate for array list for synchronization
- Cache concept in hibernate ( second level cache Ehcache configuration)
- transaction management in Spring, how it will work
- Java 8 features